Friday, 30 March 2012


Dear 3B,
I hope you had fun this week at your new Conversational Malay lessons as well as your Learning Journey to Science Centre!

Here's something for you to think about:
We learnt about some strange insects yesterday like the Katydid and leaf bugs.
So, think about it and find a strange animal that interests you and just write 2 lines about what is interesting about it .
Hope you have fun finding quirky animals!

Also, Please Bring WRITING paper on Monday ! We need it for our supplementary lesson.

Ms Priya :)


  1. A strange,interesting and new insect(have not seen it before) i found at is a cave is like a kind of worm that glows in the cave.

    two interesting facts are:
    1.they are not worms at all(i don't know why they call that)

    2.It shines from an organ which is the same to human kidney, from which it has an ability to produce blue-green light(copied).

    the leaf bugs....and katydid......i forgot about their facts and things but i am sure they are good at something.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. i found a strange insect that is the cave gloworm.i found it at:

    here are two facts: is actually not a worm(they said it)

    2.they an produce blue and green lights.

    to find out more,just visit the website i told.

    about the katydid and leaf bugs.....i forgot things about them but i am sure that it has something good.

    i did enjoy my learning journey.there are some scary parts that occurred but did not stop me from learning. the malay lessons... well...maybe i did not really enjoy it.... but it is okay,i still enjoyed the the week. :) hope everyone too!

  3. I found a *BAGWORM*during the weekends.It can camouflage whenever they sense danger.
    they can only be found in Brazil.there are some other kinds of insects that also can only be found in Brazil.These are some examples of strange insects found in Brazil.(e.g. *LANTERNFLY* ,*DOBSONFLY*,*HARLEQUIN* and a *STICK GRASSHOPPER*).
    Actually,I don't really like the malay lessons.But,I enjoyed our trip to the science centre.Hope I can go there again.

  4. I read a book about "water strider" during the weekends.It can move on the water's surface.Furthermore,the tiny hairs at the ends of a water strider's legs are extremely sensitive,and when anything disturbs the surface of the water,(like a floating fish corpse or an insect falling in),they immediately swarm it.

    The Malay lesson are actually quite hard for me as they are different from English,and the trip to the Science Centre was very fun and exciting.

  5. According to Wikipedia, scorpions are predatory anthropod animals. Some interesting facts are:
    1) They have 8 legs, a pair of claws and a narrow long tail.
    2) There are almost 2,000 scorpion species, but only 20 or 40 have strong enough poison to kill a person.

    I did not really enjoy my Malay lesson. But I enjoy the trip to science centre very much. I hope I can go there again.

  6. For the Malay lessons I kind of like it but compared from English it is also fun and exciting to learn new things.And...the trip to the Singapore Science Centre rocks!:)

  7. I found a picture of a happy faced spider on Google.It can only be found on the islands,Hawaii,Oahu,Maui and Molokai.It grows up to 5mm.It guards its eggs and catches prey for its offspring.

  8. At the science centre I saw many beautiful butterflies.Still there were male worms,one of them were white in colour as it is molting

  9. According to Wikipedia, scorpions are predatory anthropod animals. Some interesting facts are:
    1) They have 8 legs, a pair of claws and a narrow long tail.
    2) There are almost 2000 scorpion species, but only 20 to 40 have strong enough poison to kill a person.

    I did not really enjoy my Malay lesson. But I enjoy the trip to science centre very much. I hope I can go there again.

  10. This is the website I found: (

    These are some facts about Praying Mantids:

    1. Praying mantids are among the few insects which can rotate their heads so they can literally look over their shoulders.

    2. In some species of praying mantis, the female begins to eat the male while they are mating. She starts at his head and by the time she reaches his abdomen, mating is completed.

    3. There are about 1,700 varieties of praying mantis.

    4. The female mantis lays up to 300 eggs.

    5. The mantis will attack butterflies, bees, beetles, frogs, spiders, mice, lizards,other smaller insects, and small birds.

    6. The Mantis has very good eyesight.

    7. The mantis sheds its skin twelve times before it is full grown.

    Some facts about Spiders:

    1. The Brazilian wandering spiders are the most venomous spiders in the world.

    2. Tarantual wasps paralyze tarantulas and lay a single egg on the still living spider; when the egg hatches, the wasp larva has fresh food.

    3. Tarantulas can live 30 years

    4.The average spider web weighs 1/2000th of an ounce.

    Some facts about Ants:

    1. There are thirty-five thousand kinds of ants in the world.

    2. There are sixty species of ants in North America.

    3. Wood ants squirt acid from the end of their abdomens.

    4. Wood ant workers live seven to ten years.

    5. The queen ant has wings.

    6. Ants have two stomachs one for them and one to feed others.

    7. Some ants sleep seven hours a day.

    8. The queen feeds her eggs her own saliva

    9. The queen ant licks the eggs to make them hatch.

    Here are interesting facts about some other bugs:

    1. The fastest known insect is a dragon fly that has been clocked at 58 kilometres an hour

    2. Dragonfly larvae use their jet butts to help them catch and eat up to 300 mosquito larvae a day.

    3. Living scorpions reflect ultraviolet light and can glow with an eerie greenish colour when exposed to UV light, no matter what colour they appear under normal lighting conditions.

    4. The Jungle Nymph Stick is one of the heaviest insects. In Malaysia they are often kept by people who feed them guava leaves and use the droppings to make tea.

    5. The longest insect is a walking stick that can reach a length of 33 centimetres
    The eggs of walking stick insects are among the largest in the insect world. Some eggs are more than eight millimetres long.

    6. The song of the field cricket is temperature dependent; the tone and tempo drop with the drop in temperature. Count the chirps in 13 seconds, add 40, and you will have the approximate temperature in degrees.

    7. The male cicada may be the loudest insect known. The mating sound can be heard as far as 440 yards.

    8.A centipede in southern Europe has 177 PAIRS of legs.

    9. Some species of mayfly's eggs can take up to 3 years to hatch. Then have a lifespan of about 6 hours.

    Here are interesting facts about Cockroaches:

    1. Cockroaches' favorite food is the glue on envelopes and on the back of postage stamps.

    2. A German cockroach can survive a month or more without food...but less than two weeks without water.

    3. A cockroach can live for nine days without its head.

    4. One female cockroach can produce two million offspring in one year. Average breeding session produces 35,0000 offspring.

    5. The largest cockroach is Megaloblatta longipennis of Columbia (that name is not a joke...honest). The largest specimen ever recorded was a female that measured 3.81 inches long by 1.77 inches across!

    6. The fastest land moving insects are the tropical cockroaches. They can move 50 body lengths per second. This would be equivalent to a human sprinter running the 100 yard dash in 1 second or approximately 200MPH!

  11. Here are some facts about beetles:

    1. With over 300,000 different species, one out of every four animals on earth is a beetle.

    2. The metallic-coloured wing covers of some beetles are used for jewelry.

    3. The heaviest insect in the world is the Goliath beetle from Africa. A big male can weigh up to 100 grams.

    4. The Firefly belongs to the beetle family

    5. There are over 2000 species of fireflies living in the tropical and temperate regions.

    6. There are nearly 5,000 different kinds of ladybugs worldwide and 400 which live in North America.

    7. A female ladybug will lay more than 1000 eggs in her lifetime.

    8. Ladybugs make a chemical that smells and tastes terrible so that birds and other predators won't eat them.

    9. Some wood beetles can emerge from wood where they live after as long as 40 years.

    Here are Butterfies and Moths:

    1. A tagged Monarch butterfly was released near Ontario, Canada and was recovered 4 months later in Angangueo , Mexico. The straight line distance between these two sites is 2,133 miles.

    2. Sphinx moths, or hawk moths, have been measured at 53 km/h. However, a horsefly (Hybomitra hinei wrighti) was recently clocked at 145 km/h! More research needs to be done in order to determine the fastest insect.

    3. Female Queen Alexandra butterflies, from Papua and New Guinea, are the largest in the world, some with wingspans larger than 26 cm.

    4. The atlas moth, one of the largest silk moths, can be mistaken for a medium-sized bat when flying.

    5. One Species of moth lives entirely on cow tears.

    Here are some facts about Fleas:

    1. The largest known variety of flea is Hystrivhopsylla schefferi. This species of flea is known from only one specimen taken from the nest of a mountain beaver. It was 1/3 of an inch long!

    2. A flea can jump 130 times its own height

    3. A female flea sucks up to 30 times her weight in blood per day and excretes six times her weight in flea baby food

    4. The champion jumper is the cat flea. It has been known to leap to a height of 34 inches subjecting itself to over 200 g's!

    5. There are 1,830 varieties of fleas.

    6. Cat and dog fleas are closely related, but separate species. Cat fleas may be found on dogs.

  12. Facts about Mosquitoes:
    1. Mosquitoes kill about 2 million people a year.

    2. The mosquito's visual picture is an infrared view produced by its prey's body temperature.

    3. The average life span of the female mosquito is 3 to 100 days; the male's is 10 to 20 days.

    4. Mosquito adults feed on flower nectar and juices of fruits for flight energy.

    5. The female requires a blood meal for egg development

    6. The mosquito matures from egg to adult in 4 to 7 days.

    7. Most mosquitoes remain within 1 mile of their breeding site.

    8. There are 140 different kinds of mosquitoes in the world.

    9. Female Mosquitoes are attracted to carbon-dioxide.

    Awesome facts about Flies:

    1. A midge fly holds the record, with a wing beat of 1046 times a second.

    2. Flies can "taste" with their feet

    3. The house fly "hums" in the key of F

    4. Flies like heat, light, low wind.

    5. Adults live for about a month and produce 500 to 2,000 eggs in their life.

    6. Flies are attracted by odors, and usually enter a building through open doors and windows near garbage and food.

    7. Deer flies will bite a hole in your skin with their strong mandibles, put a little saliva-like material in the wound to keep the blood from clotting and lap up the blood with a sponge-like proboscis .

    8. Beginning with one pair of house flies in April, there would be a total of 191,000,000,000,000,000,000 flies by August if all the descendants of this pair lived and reproduced normally.

    Lawrence Lim

  13. This is what I found out about glowworms:
    GLOWWORM or GLOW WORMS is the common name for various groups of LARVAE and adult LARVIFORM females that glow through bioluminesscence.They may sometimes resemble worms, but all are insects.
    (heres something extra, I found a video about the continental drift, thoery by alfred wegerner. go to youtube and type the amoeba people Alfred Wegerner.)(its really cool)

  14. The stick insect camouflages on sticks and the leaf insect camouflages on leaves


  15. The Borneo walking stick can grow up to 32 cm long ,with 14 cm more if you measure the legs stretched out!But you might not see one even if your in Borneo looking for them as they closely resemble the slender trees they live on.

  16. I read a book about fairy flies. A fairy fly is the smallest wasp and also the smallest insect in the world. They are so small that they are almost invisible. Fairy flies are not a danger to humans but they are a danger to other insects. They
    are parasites that lay their eggs inside other insects' eggs.
    This destroys those insects' eggs.

  17. The Borneo walking stick can grow up to 32 cm long ,with 14 cm more if you measure the legs stretched out!But you might not see one even if your in Borneo looking for them as they closely resemble the slender trees they live on.

  18. Ms Priya,
    I found out how many stripes does a zebra have!
    A common zebra we see has 26 stripes on its body.As for the other species of zebras, the mountain zebra has 55 stripe on its body and the imperial zebra has 80 stripes.
    More about zebra
    Zebra use their long tail to swat away fly and other pesky insects. With eyes set far back on their faces, zebra also possess a good wide-angle vision. Their night vision is excellent but zebras cannot see what is right behind them. Zebras use smells and sounds as ways of communication. Their moods are expressed by the position of their mouths,ears and tails.

  19. I also found out what is sweat made of!
    sweat contains minerals such as sodium,potassium ,Vitamin C,uric acid,urea, ammonia,lactic acid and chloride.In addition, there are small amounts of other electrolytes.
    Here is some more info about sweat
    There are actually two types of sweat glands in the human body. They are the eccrine glands and apocrine glands.What is the difference ? Well, numerous eccrine glands can be found over the entire skin , particularly in the forehead, palms of the hands and soles of the feet. When these glands produce sweat, they help to cool the body down and remove waste products. The sweat produced by these eccrine glands consists of 99% water, with small traces of sodium chloride and urea.

  20. My mother would like to see it too! And next Wednesday(18 April 2012) I will not be able to come as it is the Choir's SYF! I would only be able to come for the second last period! Wish me good luck!

    Yen Shyuan

    1. sorry! I wrote on the wrong page!Ignore it!
