Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Science Investigation Day 7

Dear 3B,
today marks the final day of our Science investigation. Looking at the number of queries, I can see most of you at the edge of your seats to find out what has happened to our bread.

A picture says a thousand words, so here goes...
Any changes?

The flourishing fungi (mould)!

Yep, a special close-up shot just for you!

So, what do you think? What is the conclusion you can arrive at,  at the end of the experiment?
Think about it and we'll discuss it tomorrow!

I would like to know your thoughts on this online Science investigation!
What did you think of it? Did you enioy it? Was it a hassle for you?
Share your thoughts!

Ms Priya :)

PS-  Crew Assignments for 20 Mar 2012 : Maths Unit 13 Bar Graphs Workbook Pages 66 -74


  1. Claudia Mar 21 3.50pm

    yes ms priya i will do my work and have finished my work.hmm i wonder why the mould is absolutely disgusting eww.

    1. I also want to know why the mold is disgusting. I think it is because the bread is "rotting"that's why it is disgusting.

    2. because the moulds colour and it is like just growing on it. and because ms priya said that after the moist bread is covered with mould, the mould will eat on the moist bread and it looks like a ghost is eating and it is like disappering.

  2. I do not think that it is a hassle to do as it was very exciting to find out what the bread would look like everyday. I hope we can do this again for science.

  3. It was not a hassle but it took almost a week to see the mould appeared. I was excited to see how the mould look like on the bread.

    1. Claudia Mar 21.2012 03:50pm

      me to

  4. Done it!!!And i cannot wait till the next science project....

  5. i think that the mould is disgusting too,when i saw it,i was like....ewww.i did enjoy the project.AND....it wasn't a hassle to do the work.AND....I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEXT PROJECT TOO!

  6. I really enjoyed doing the project ,AND...I REALLY CANT WAIT FOR THE NEXT PROJECT TOO!
