Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Update & Crew Assignments for the Day - 21st Feb 2012

Dear 3B,
thank you for informing your parents to visit the blog. As of now, I have 27 parents who have indicated their slot. Thank you for taking the effort to visit the site - I really appreciate it!

Parents, do check that in the row where you wrote your name, there is a GREEN TICK in one of the timeslots.
Sometimes, the site may not have saved the data, and thus, you may not have the slot.
So, please check and I will contact the parents who have not signed up for a slot yet tonight.

Next, Crew Assignments for the Day...

1. Total Defence worksheet
2. EL LS3.3 (Collocations - remember the pictionary game we played today :))
3. Maths Workbook Pages 69-72 (Remember the steps involved in drawing a model - USE a RULER!!)

See you tomorrow!

Ms Priya :)


  1. Zhi Ai
    Ms Priya,my father asked if you could just lookfor him at school and tell him.Is that alright?

    1. Dear Zhi Ai,
      thank you for checking with your parents about the meeting. I'll speak to him tomorrow.
      See you !

      Ms Priya :)

  2. Do we need to bring our classifition diagram????????
