Friday, 3 August 2012

3 August 2012

Dear 3B,
Apologies that you did not have much time to write down the assignment for the weekend. So, here it is :

1. Competition compo
(a) This has been marked and returned. To you. At the end of the compo, I have indicated the good points in your compo with a "+" and points for improvement with a "-". So please read through the feedback and keep the "+" and work on the "-"!

(b) A model composition has also been given to you- kindly attach it to the back of your composition.

(c) Do your composition corrections - Rewrite the compo on a separate piece of paper like a final draft. Thank you.

2. Integrity compo
(a) read through last term's supplementary lessons on writing

(b) do a story map to plan your

(c) brainstorm words and phrases for the compo and write it down( Add in your good phrase that you've picked up this week

(d) write your compo ! ( each time u use a good phrase /adj/adv , tick it in your word/phrase list that you have done.)

I look forward to reading wonderful compositions on integrity from all of you. Each and everyone of you is a writer and it is up to you to craft an interesting story! You definitely have it in you ;)
See you on Monday !

Ms Priya :)


  1. Yes captain all crew assingments done

  2. Thank you! And noted!

  3. Did everyone see the blog?I'm am curious so I asked.Thank you Miss Priya for telling us what is our homework,so we would not forget what homework to do.Have a happy weekend :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. What does your yes refer to??? :(

    2. Stop asking questions.And I don't want to reply because if I answer your question,it will be consided spaming.

    3. What about consided?(That Lawrence wrote that
      it wiil be consided spaming(that means repeating what you post) (on top(above the question that I posted)

    4. Did I put to many brackets

    5. I should not put (above my question that I posted.)He He

  5. Miss Priya, what does the word spaming means?

    1. Spamming is entering the same thing in a post again and again so you have a lot of posts saying the same thing.

  6. sorry should be thanks

  7. Yay! Today is national day!
    Happy birthday,Singapore

    1. Yes.Happy birthday,Singapore.I am so happy that even tomorrow is not a public holiday we still do not need to go to school.I wish today and tomorrow is the happiest day in my life.National Day,National Day.......Ohhhhhhhhhh,WeePee :) :) :)

  8. How I wish today is a national day,So I would be happy.If today is a national day Iwould of course sat Happy National Day :) :) :)

  9. why is it the same old comments?Why can't it be people to post new ones.I am tired of seeing the old comments.I wish our class would post comments.(our class means the students in our class) :)

  10. Did anyone see the blog & type a comment?PleasePleasePlease TYPE A COMMENT!!!!!PLEASE I BEG YOU,HEM
