Saturday, 14 July 2012

Highlights of Term 3, Week 2 & 3

Dear 3B,
the past two weeks were filled with interesting activities and incidents in our class- here's a quick look at what has been done!

Maths: Money
Ms Priya's Salary *shhhh*

We continued to explore the topic of money and how we go about adding and subtracting money.
We tried to figure out Ms Priya's salary and where her money goes every month! All of you were excellent accountants, providing me with accurate calculations and even sage advice - thank you!
I hope you had fun being accountants and helping me to keep track of my money. I sure enjoyed it!

Science: Magnets
The floating bed
We looked at Dutch architect Janjaap Ruijssenaars' invention : The Floating Bed and discussed about what could be causing the bed to "float".
When everyone smartly guessed "Magnets", they were then asked to wear a designer's hat and each group discussed how exactly could magnets be used to make the bed float.
I was very impressed with the detailed drawings groups came up with and the amount of thought and effort put into the discussion - keep it up guys!

Designs as to how the floating bed would work

Sharing by Designers

Some of the ideas suggested by You!

Here's some food for thought for you to think about:
1) Most of you suggested magnetic floors, magnetic ceilings and magnetic walls to control the magnetic field of the bed. Is this a wise idea? Will the bed be the ONLY object in the room affected by the field?

2) Like most adults, I usually place my phone right next to me when i sleep. If I were to do that on a magnetic bed, would there be any problems? Why?

English: Report Card Days
After the exciting "Blink-Off", we started on our next text : Report Card Days!

First, we sketched images that came to our mind when the phrase "report card" was mentioned.
We then predicted what the text would be like before reading it and discussed it!

And to follow up, you were given a task for this weekend :
An Interview with Parents/Grandparents about their Report Card Days!!

*Dear parents, this activity is just meant to be an interesting discussion for the children to know more about you and your schooling life! The pupils will share their interviews with the class - I hope you don't mind and have fun!

Surprise Visitor in the Class...
On the first day of Week 3, we found a surprise visitor in our class - a bird! Although it rammed into the light and fan, it still remained strong and unhurt.
But the shock of the collision seemed to have stunned it, so 3B decided to let it recover on top of our class cupboard until it was calm. Later during recess, Mr Amran popped by to bring the bird out of the classroom and free it - thank you Mr Amran!

Once again, it has been a great two weeks of fun and learning!

Post your thoughts about these two weeks!

Ms Priya :) (this article discusses the invention as well as provides us with more pictures - the one with the puppy on the bed is really cute!)


  1. I think that these 2 weeks were really fun.I have done the interview with my parents , it was very cool as I have never really interviewed them before, I hope that Ms Priya will let us do more interviews with our friends, family,or maybe one or two of our neighbours.Anyone agrees?
    Anyway, I going to answer the science questions which is now.
    1)the bed will not be the ONLY object in the room.
    2)the phone may get affected.(I'm not really sure)
    This is the end of my comment.Good bye!

  2. I had interviewed my parents.It was great as I had interviewed them before.Science question's answer's: 1) The bed might not be the only object in the room. 2) The phone will be affected.

    Goodbye and have a great weekend!

  3. HI friends i agree with all of you that the interview was great!Science questions ans:1)not sure..2)i think it is not a wise idea to put your phone beside the bed.

  4. Yep, I also think that it is not a good idea to put your phone beside your bed.

  5. My answers to the floating bed questions:

    I think it is not a good idea to have a magnetic wall, magnetic floor and magnetic ceiling. The magnetic field in the room will be so strong that it will attract most metallic objects and affect or even damage most electronic objects like your handphone.

  6. I think that the phone will get affected by the magnetic bed because some parts of the phone are made of metal.

  7. Miss Prya,todays suplementary was very interesting n fun.i wish that every suplementary class can be as fun n interesting as u know that who is my BFF?find it out

  8. And having the phone beside bed might not be a good idea. AND the week was a lot more interesting than other weeks!
    :) <3

    1. Yep,this week was a lot more interesting than other weeks.

  9. This is such a fun week! The bird was a surprise!

  10. You WERE right, Ms Priya! The dog on the floating bed IS cute! And now I know how the 'floating' bed 'floats'!
    :) (:

  11. miss Priya I would like to tell u something tomorrow :)

  12. Miss Priya, why you didn't come to school today? Are you sick?Did you had a fever?Or you had to attend something very important?tell me why.If tomorrow you are coming to school,then tell the class why you did not come to school. :)
