Saturday, 14 April 2012

Crew Assignments for the Day - 13 April 2012

Dear 3B,

Crew Assignments for 13 April 2012
- Compo corrections (Burglary)
- Compo ( A Painful Lesson)
- Go MConline to complete assignments
- Go to KF and post a note
(Dear parents, this is meant to be a test run as we will be using KF in class very soon , so I need to ensure that all pupils are able to access it. )
- Visit the class blog to learn some tips for the Oral exam.

Note: One of you asked me yesterday why I was in traditional clothes.
Well, it was the Tamil New Year (like CNY) and hence, it was a day of celebration! 
On this occassion, Indians normally visit the temple and also seek blessings from their elders!

Ms Priya :)